K'CIRA Events stands for Creative Ideas into Realistic Affairs --- symbolizing quote "Que Sera, Sera", whatever may be, may be.
The K'CIRA Events experience is more comprehensive in the sense that events are individually tailored to customer requests with the help of individually assigned event planning consultants.
Keisha Deas Lee

Keisha Lee is the owner of K'CIRA Events. She was born in Charleston, SC in 1969. Ms. Lee is the mother of one adult son and a retired member of the Air Force Reserves. Ms. Lee has Bachelor of Science in Workforce Education & Development and Master of Arts in Human Resource Development. She is also a certified event planner and bartender.
Keisha is highly trained in organizational management and leadership, as demonstrated in the management positions she held within the U.S. Air Force Reserves for 30 years. In addition, Keisha's capability in organizational management is further validated when she served as the human resource assistant for the Joint Base of Charleston from 2005-2016. She is also actively engaged in community advocacy through her work with at risk youth at Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC). Keisha has worked at CYDC for 20 years as a relief counselor and life skills specialist. Moreover, her commitment to youth is further extended through her work as substitute teacher in Charleston County.
Keisha launched into the event planning business in 2005 when she opened the Village Hall Events in North Charleston, SC. Village Hall successfully operated from 2005 to 2007. This experience allowed Keisha to learn the inner workings of the business. Her vision expanded to include more comprehensive social and corporate gathering experiences and K'CIRA Events was birthed in 2010.